2024 Faye Hoppitt 50m Sprint competition June 22 nd 2024

2024 Australian Finswimming Championship Result 24 Feb 2024 

2023 Australian Masters Games   9 Octuber Adelaide  Australian_Masters_final results 2023    Master Games Records

 2023  WORLD MASTERS FINSWIMMING COMPETITION   25-26 June Cairo EGYPT     Result EGYPT june 25-26-2023

2023  Australian Finswimming Championships  18-19 February Gold Coast Gold Coast Aquatic Cnt                        Result Australian Championships 2023

Times in red are up for revision depending on entries  Others wishing to apply for team places will need to send times swum in the past 3 months (these times can be recorded out of competition times with 2 timekeepers)                                     Table 1 Women times    Table 2 Men Times


2022 Australian Finswimming Championships 15-16 January Clarence Aquatic Cnt                                            Result Australian Championsips 2022

2021 Australian Finswimming Championships  20-21 Febrary          Clarence Aquatic Cnt                                  Results Australian Championsips 2021                                                                                 

2018 CMAS Masters World Cup  9-10 June                      Son Hugo Pool, Palma, Mallorca                                    2018 WORLD MASTERS FIN SWIMMING

2017  Tasmanian Championships 1-2 April                      Clarence Pool, Hobart, TAS                                              2017 TAS CHAMPIONSHIPS

2016  Australian Championships 10-11 December          Clarence Pool, Hobart, TAS                                              2016 AUST CHAMPIONSHIPS

2016  Tasmanian Championships 19-20 March              Clarence Pool, Hobart, TAS                                               2016 TAS CHAMPIONSHIPS

2015  Australian Championships 21-22 November         Cook & Phillip Park Aquatic Centre, Sydney, NSW      2015 AUST CHAMPIONSHIPS

2014  Australian Championships 29-30 November        Clarence Pool, Hobart, TAS                                              2014 AUST CHAMPIONSHIPS